Vamos voltar a ter reviews no blog! Entenda-se reviews de filmes, livros, animes e jogos! Conseguem sentir a minha alegria?! ❤ No dia 27 (logo no dia de estreia) consegui arrastar o Pedro para irmos ver os Guardiões da Galáxia Vol.2 e não podíamos ter ficado mais satisfeitos! Mas que filme!!! Sim, eu sei... tem as suas incoerências com a BD... Mas ainda assim, que filme!!! Ainda não foram ao cinema (ou usaram os torrents)? Podem continuar a ler! Esta review é SPOILER FREE!
We're going to have reviews on the blog again! Movie reviews, books, anime, and games! Can you feel my joy?! ❤ On April 27th (at the premiere day) I managed to drag Pedro to go watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 and we couldn't be more satisfied! What a movie!!! Still haven't senn the movie (or used torrents)? You can keep reading! This review is SPOILER FREE!
We're going to have reviews on the blog again! Movie reviews, books, anime, and games! Can you feel my joy?! ❤ On April 27th (at the premiere day) I managed to drag Pedro to go watch Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 and we couldn't be more satisfied! What a movie!!! Still haven't senn the movie (or used torrents)? You can keep reading! This review is SPOILER FREE!
Mii’s Rating: 9/10
Ficha Técnica | Details
- Título original | Original Title: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
- Duração | Duration: 2h 16m
- Género | Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci fi
- Ano | Year: 2017
- Realizador | Director: James Gunn
- Elenco | Cast: Chris Pratt, Zoa Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel...
- País | Country: USA
Sinopse | Synopsis
Usando como fundo a "Awesome Mixtape #2" os Guardiões da Galáxia apresentados no filme #1 continuam as suas aventuras. Eles vão ter de lutar para manter a sua nova família unida e enfrentar ainda a verdade sobre a linhagem do nosso Star-lord, Peter Quill.
Using as background the "Awesome Tape #2" the Guardians of the Galaxy introduced in movie #1 continue their adventures. They have to keep fighting to keep their new family united and face the truth about our Star-lord's, Peter Quill's lineage.
Using as background the "Awesome Tape #2" the Guardians of the Galaxy introduced in movie #1 continue their adventures. They have to keep fighting to keep their new family united and face the truth about our Star-lord's, Peter Quill's lineage.
Este filme surpreendeu-me imenso, pela positiva! Vi o primeiro, perto da altura em que saiu, e convenci o Pedro a vê-lo também, pouco antes da estreia do Vol. 2. Ele adorou e ficou bastante entusiasmado para ir ao cinema comigo ver o segundo filme.
This movie surprised me a lot in a positive way! I saw the first one near close to the time that it came out and I convinced Pedro to watch it slightly before the premiere of Vol.2. He loved it and was quite excited to go to the cinema with me to watch the second movie.
This movie surprised me a lot in a positive way! I saw the first one near close to the time that it came out and I convinced Pedro to watch it slightly before the premiere of Vol.2. He loved it and was quite excited to go to the cinema with me to watch the second movie.
Visualmente o filme está fantástico! Gráficos excelentes, cores vibrantes e uma arte deslumbrante. A banda sonora não fica nada atrás! As músicas são todas escolhidas de forma a tornar o ambiente mais nostálgico e alternativo, o que encaixa perfeitamente com todas as personagens.
Visually the movie is fantastic! Excellent graphics, vibrant colors, and a stunning art. The soundtrack doesn't fall behind at all! The songs are all picked in a way that helps turning the environment more nostalgic and alternative, which fits perfectly with all the characters.
Visually the movie is fantastic! Excellent graphics, vibrant colors, and a stunning art. The soundtrack doesn't fall behind at all! The songs are all picked in a way that helps turning the environment more nostalgic and alternative, which fits perfectly with all the characters.
Quem leu os comics vai perceber que a história não está igual.... E isso poderá deixar-vos tristes ou renitentes em ver o filme, no entanto, vão ver! Vale imenso a pena! Apesar de não seguir a linha narrativa da BD, o script do filme está muito bem escrito e o desenvolvimento das personagens faz imenso sentido.
Whoever read the comics will know that the story isn't the same...And that may leave you sad or reluctant in watching the movie, however, go see it! It really is worth it! Despite not following the comic book narrative, the movie script is very well written and the characters' development makes a lot of sense.
Whoever read the comics will know that the story isn't the same...And that may leave you sad or reluctant in watching the movie, however, go see it! It really is worth it! Despite not following the comic book narrative, the movie script is very well written and the characters' development makes a lot of sense.
Os meus parabéns a Russell Bobbitt, integrante da equipa de arte e Prop making, que fez uma maquete do Baby Groot, à escala de 1:1, para referências de luz e de filmagem, e que criou 6 Sony Walkman headphones de raiz, pois todos os que encontraram estavam partidos, devido a serem artigos muito antigos e já não se fabricarem. Ah! E sabiam que o poster teaser do filme é uma paródia da capa do álbum "Rocket to Russia" dos Ramones?
Congratulations to Russell Bobbitt, a member of the the art
and prop making team, who made a 1:1 scale model of Baby Groot for light and
filming references, and created 6 Sony Walkman headphones from scratch since
every single one that they found were broken due to being very old and are no
longer made. Oh! And did you know that the movie teaser poster is a parody of
The Ramones' album cover "Rocket to Russia"?
No geral, o filme está uma delicia! Se ainda não viram, vão ver! Tenho um espaço guardado no meu coração para o Yondu e para o Baby Groot que é simplesmente adorável e mal posso esperar para ter tempo e rever os dois filmes outra vez! Fui a única que ficou com vontade de ler os comics?
Overall, the movie is a treat! If you haven't seen it yet, go watch it! I have a space in my heart for Yondu and Baby Groot, who is simply adorable and can't wait to have time to rewatch both movies again! Am I the only one that got an urge to read the comics?
Overall, the movie is a treat! If you haven't seen it yet, go watch it! I have a space in my heart for Yondu and Baby Groot, who is simply adorable and can't wait to have time to rewatch both movies again! Am I the only one that got an urge to read the comics?
Este é um filme da Marvel, por isso... FIQUEM ATÉ AO FIM DOS CRÉDITOS!!! E estejam atentos às referências presentes no filme e ao cameo que aparece lá pelo meio! A quem já viu o filme: Conseguiram apanhar tudo?!
This is a Marvel movie so...STAY UNTIL THE END OF THE CREDITS!!! And be aware of the references made and to the cameo that appears around the middle of the film! To who saw the movie: Did you pick up on everything?!
This is a Marvel movie so...STAY UNTIL THE END OF THE CREDITS!!! And be aware of the references made and to the cameo that appears around the middle of the film! To who saw the movie: Did you pick up on everything?!
Foi ganda filme :D
ResponderEliminarOptima review, keep up the good work *^*
Thank youuuuuu! *^*
EliminarEu adorei meeeesmo o filme! Não sei se foi suficientemente perceptível pela review xD Mas adorei demais! *^*
Eu amei a postagem, tenha uma semana abençoada, obrigado pela visita.
ResponderEliminarBlog: https://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br/
Muito obrigada :D
Ainda não vi, mas parece ser um bom filme!
Excelente filme mesmo :D Aconselho imenso *^*
I loved it!!! :D :D And yes, the comics and the movies are different. But I guess that's good. We can enjoy them both :)
ResponderEliminarYeeeeesh! It's awesome! *^*